Friday, May 11, 2012

Final SNA

Thursday was our final SNA meeting. Since it is also Mrs. Murphy's final semester we decided to celebrate her. Andrew had a brilliant idea to invite her husband, Dr. Murphy. Since he has clinical on his floor he was able to find him and invite him personally. The meeting started as usual to make sure she wouldn't catch onto anything that was planned. For the final item on the agenda Andrew announced there would be a new award and scholarship handed out biannually in her name. Then she was given an award to take home recognizing her leadership and compassion that inspired this scholarship. Because we love her so much, we also created a book of notes from all 4 semesters saying thank you and other sweet things. It was super special to see her husband surprise her and her reaction to all the recognition and "thank you's".

If you didn't know, Mrs. Murphy is the SNA advisor and 1st semester instructor. I am super thankful to have had her as instructor and Andrew especially since he is in her last. She has always been so encouraging and supportive of Andrew and I (I think we kind of stick out because we are the first couple to be in nursing school together ever). She has seen first hand our journey through school from Andrew not being well and me not knowing where to take him to now she says he needs an accelerated program just for him! Obviously I know he is amazing, but its so meaningful to hear someone you look up to reinforce that. I let her know Andrew and I won't be shy to visit her in the OC :) I have been planting little seeds in Andrews mind for a while now about us moving there. Since my first trip to Newport when I was little little I said one day I will be a nurse, work at Hoag, and live in this cute blue house right on the water. 2/3 would  be okay too :)

Anyyyyway, it was really nice to have a good time after the most wretched exam of my life. We won't talk about that though... 

On to FINALS! 

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